
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Stitch Along: Week 26

Hello, hello, hello and Happy Fourth of July, if you are in the States....I doubt anyone will actually read this, as you'll all be out celebrating!!!!

So I started my four day sweater challenge.....the Beekeeper Cardigan...
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

There is no way I am finishing it in 4 days...technically I have 5 days, as I'm doing a larger size...but still...I am enjoying it....and I think I'll wear it quite a lot...

The Colourscape Cowl is's very bright right now, but the colors do get darker....
Look at that green! Be still my chartreuse loving heart!

The crocheted Venetian Cowl also got a good start to it...this will be GORGEOUS when completed!
Someone asked if this was a CAL...yes it's on Facebook in a group I belong to called Fine Fiber Crochet

I am almost done with the Sockhead hat for my friend....I am on the may have a finish on Friday.....

And I have put a few rows into some socks too...I'll have to do a Once Upon A Sock update on Thursday...come back and join us.....

So what have you worked on this week?  Please link up and share.....


  1. I love your projects! I made a Sockhead hat for a friend who had chemo and it was SO soft and lovely. I used Knerdstring wool (dyed here in Colorado). I want to knit today, but I am trying to take a day off due to overdoing my knitting fun and having sore arms.
    Your knitting (and crochet) is lovely!

  2. You made great progress on the cardigan. I need to look up that Venetian Cowl pattern; it intrigues me.
