
Thursday, July 12, 2018


I finally made it to the PEZ factory and museum in Orange, Connecticut.  I've been wanting to go for years...we were in the area for another reason, so decided to stop by.  It was a lot of fun.  The factory wasn't in production, as it was a holiday for them. But we still had a great time....and bought lots of PEZ!!!!

These PEZ are as big as my feet!

I have no idea why I'm making such a weird expression!

I won!!!!  It was a match game...
Jason Momoa PEZ!!!!  I hadn't seen Justice League at that point, but still Jason Momoa!  (I did not get it)
Yes, I did this as we rode the EleVader to the second floor.....(I have his PEZ in my classroom)
We each filled a bucket of PEZ to take home....

Gifts for others.....
Ours....The t-shirt is fun...and the sheep PEZ are actually gifts for me to send in swaps....
Mine!  Except my bucket of PEZ....Look a PEZ watch!!!!  and I got Poppy, since a five year old recently told me I look like Poppy.....

It was a ton of fun!


  1. How cool! I didn't know there was a PEZ factory. I grew up w/PEZ. My kids aren't fans of it. How much was a bucket of PEZ?

  2. Looks like fun! I used to collect PEZ dispensers for my kids. Well, I said it was for them but actually I really like them and it was an easy stocking stuffer. :) At some point, when they didn't care about them, and I was trying to clean out their room, we got rid of all of them. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't do things like that. Happy Friday!

  3. Pez! When I was little, we used to visit my grandparents in Detroit. To keep my brother and me out of everyone’s hair, we each got a quarter and went down the block to Rosie’s Confectionary. I think it was even before they made Pez dispensers with faces on them (yes, I’m old).

    Thanks for sharing your tour. I want a bucket of Pez.
