
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Stitch Along: Week 27

Good morning!  So I did work on a few things over the week...but I've had a bit of a flare-up, so not too hands were really bad on Sunday.....

But on Tuesday, I pulled out a bunch of the projects on the side of my bed...which looks like this...
and there have been a few new project bags added.....anyway, I am hoping, when I get the Stash Space finished...I will have a better place in the spare room to store my WIPs...I have not worked on it since before the heat I have to get back to it.....

Anyway, one project bag will be removed from this pile!

Right now, it doesn't look like much...but I finished my Multnomah Shawl.  It has been in time-out for a long time.  I'm not sure what it will look like after blocking as there are a TON of mistakes in it...but it's done...
Picture taken at night...sorry...I will block it tomorrow and post a better picture later in the week.....

I did take out my  Just Keep Swimming socks and took a look at the FLK heel....yep, nope did not understand it....will have to try again at some point....
I also added a few rows to the Venetian Cowl (old picture)
It's got about another inch on it...but this stitch grows V.E.R.Y sloooowly........

So what about you this week?  What did you work on this week?


  1. I hope you shawl blocks ok and the mistakes become a design feature. Sorry the FLK heel stumps you, If I was close by I would love to show you how very easy it is once you get started. The venetian cowl is a gorgeous stitch. Will enjoy watching it grow.

  2. I don't know how you keep up with so many projects. I started a cocoon shrug and a rectanglur granny square last year and forgot which patterns I was following so have completed neither of those projects. Right now I'm just working on very small things, like hearts to give away.

  3. Those are sure a lotta project bags. I've been working on the teenager's second sock and I picked up my cardigan again.
