
Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday, What Am I Reading?

I haven't joined in on this in awhile, but I actually did some book reading this summer.  I read a lot of online articles and things, so I'm always reading.  But I haven't been actually book reading in awhile....

Several years ago I read Game Change and Double Down  by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin.  I was really looking forward to their book of this past election.  But then Mark Halperin got caught up in the #metoo movement and the publisher canceled the book,  I am hoping that John Heilemann can some how release some kind of book at some point.  So when I saw that Katy Tur released a book about her being embedded in the Trump campaign, I was interested.
It was a good read.  At one point, I actually had to check to see if she was still working for NBC because she was very blunt about the business and her bosses....(she actually has a show on MSNBC now)

I'm not going to get all political....those of you that have read my blog, know which way I lean....but the book was very interesting for that behind-the-scenes look....and yes I know since it is one person's experience, it can be biased....but she tries hard not to be....

My husband brought me home a book to read:
He said, "It's your kind of book."  Which it is.  It is based during WWII and concerns the hiding of Jews. I've read many, many books about this topic.  Non-fiction and fiction...I am fascinated by the different ways people acted during that time.  I also think it is the highest honor that anyone can receive to be considered a Righteous Among Nations by Yad Vashem. 

It's also a fairytale that has been re-imagined.  I also love those kinds of stories.  I collect Cinderella tales.  In almost every culture, there is some type of CInderella tale.  I own about 30-40 different versions.  This is a re-imagining of the Hansel and Gretel story.  I'm only a little into it..but it was engaging from the very beginning....

The other day I was Netflixing (can you believe that wasn't flagged as improper?  The words we can turn into verbs...) Anyway I saw...
I remember LOVING this book!!!  So I watched the was very good....and Lily James is a great actress...I had just seen her in Mama Mia 2.....she was perfect in both roles....and of course, she does a great job as Cinderella too ;)

I do recommend the movie, but decided to pull out the book again to re-read...
Obviously there are some differences...but I am enjoying the re-read very much....

So here's the thing...the medication that I take for the auto-immune disease that I have affects my memory.  It is a low-dose chemo drug and you get "brain fog" and memory I don't actually remember the book...I just remember that I LOVED reading it and thought it was one of the best books I'd ever read.  So this is like reading a whole new book.....and enjoying it immensely....

How about you?  What have you read lately? Join in with Kathryn at The Book Date


  1. I'm a little intrigued over The True Story of Hansel and Gretel. Sounds interesting, so I added it to my wishlist. I am going to search that show out on Netflix. The Guernsey Literary and potato peel pie society. phew, what a long ass title though! I don't know what Guernsey means. Unfortunately. The president Trump 'Unbelievable' sounds delicious mwa-a-a

  2. Aw, Sorry you sometimes forget! My mom loved that book when it came out with the potato peel pie society.
    I tried to listen to Scott Kelly's ENDURANCE about life in space, but his voice bugged me. Imreading a book on life in the minor leagues of baseball. Iwant to read a weather book that my daughter suggested..

  3. I actually read a book recently! It took me maybe a couple of hours but I read Coraline by Neil Gaiman. Honestly, I like the movie better...the book wasn't bad but I prefer the movie.

  4. Sorry to hear the book was pulled because the author chose to get involved in The METOO. Guess that shows what they think of the movement. So much has been hidden and people protected, the wrong people a good deal of the time. I wonder if we'll ever see people truly treated fairly.

    I don't have drugs that alter my memory, but had to laugh because either I've read the book on it's my list on my seems so familiar by title and even the cover...but I also don't remember the story. Need to check my ipad and see. I love stories of that time too, fascinating study in humanity, I think.
