
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Stash Acquisition Saturday

My goodness, it has been weeks....I didn't purposely stop blogging....the weather was just so gross and it affected my hands, so I wasn't crafting at all.....and I wasn't doing anything because it was too icky to go outside of my air conditioned bedroom!!!! And then school started.....

The weather continued to be icky.....we had several half days.  Here is the first day of 7:30 in the morning, before the students came in...
Yes, that was my look for several days...I'd come home every day and take a shower and just veg out, had no energy in the heat and humidity...

But I did do some online shopping, so let's see what I added to the stash.....(and I just received one in the mail as I was typing this)
So Freckled Whimsy posted on Instagram that she had some Pride, Prejudice and Love Actually based on the Keira Knightly movies and I snapped it up...but it's because Colin Firth was also in those it's my Colin Firth skein!
I also bought her Spring Fling the other day because GREEN!!!! There's about three shades of green in this!

And unfortunately several indie dyers have recently stopped dying....I was able to snag a skein of Gynx Yarn, she had some in her shop...and sparkly green! So I bought C-137, I had no idea what the reference was, but I guess it is from Rick and Morty....

Yeah I know, green...but I can't help it!  And if it's close to chartreuse green, I'm utterly helpless against resisting!

I also received my last two Tits Out Collective yarn

Nomadic Yarns Electric Boobaloo and Rusty Ferret.  The Nomadic Yarns was a dyed-to-order and took awhile to come in, but so worth the wait!  The Rusty Ferret re-opened her listing.  I was so glad I was able to get it, as I was bummed I hadn't ordered it in the first place.

I also won an online giveaway from The Yarn Badger.  It is a Frida Kahlo themed kit.
I really like the sock pattern she used in her giveaway picture, but I haven't been able to find one similar (I think hers is an unpublished pattern)

 So I think that is it...I have bought a couple other skeins to finish up some projects....

How about you?  Any stash acquisition lately? I'll set up a link, just in case...


  1. Love Frida everything!! lucky win!!

  2. It is good to see a post from you. I hope your meds are sorted out and things are getting better.

    Yay for getting that Frida kit! It is cool, as are all your new green yarns.

    Other than a couple of skeins from Knitted Wit, no new stash for awhile. I’ll post about my Sock the Vote kit when it comes.

  3. The sock pattern looks like it's based on a grid of 4 sts x 6 rounds...basically, contrast cuff/heels/toes with a checkerboard on it. All the sts are knit so it basically is this:

    R1: {MC k2, CC k2} around
    R2: as R1
    R3: as R1
    R4: {CC k2, MC k2} around
    R5: as R4
    R6: as R4

    The toe looks to be a little more rounded than I'm used to seeing but I imagine you can put in any toe that fits your needs.
