
Sunday, September 16, 2018

Year of Projects: Week 37

Good morning!!!!!  It has been six weeks since I last posted an I said in yesterday's post, it's been an unintentional break.  Between the weather and my health, I just was not crafting....

One of the side effects of the PsA medicines has been extremely high blood pressure (like stroke region).  So I am now on medication for my blood pressure.  I also was having some issues with perimenopause (menopause) and I was having suicidal thoughts.   So I am also on some medicine to help with it's been a bit of a roller coaster this summer and then with the heat and humidity, the last thing I wanted to do was hold wool yarn in my hands.

I'm not disclosing this for sympathy, but I think we need to be open about these things.  Women's health, especially sometimes gets swept under the rug.  And definitely mental health issues are taboo to talk about.....I was not in any real danger, but the thoughts happened enough for me to be concerned and seek help.

There have also been some family medical issues going on with my husband and his father.  So I have had lots of other things on my mind this summer.....

But I'm back in school, my health has stabilized (as much as it can for an auto-immune disease) and my husband's issues may be coming to an end I am ready to get back to the yarn...and just because I haven't been crafting doesn't mean I haven't been buying can check out yesterday's stash acquisition post for the latest....

2018 Finished Projects:
Millennial Slytherin Mitts - Jan 6, 2018 
KG AMi - Jan 10, 2018
Shamrock Hat - Jan 20, 2018
Snowflake Hat - Jan 20, 2018
Elephant Reserve - February 11, 2018
Bunny Hat - February 12, 2018
Blue Wave - February 12, 2018
Folding Chairs - March 4, 2018
Jessica Jones 2 - March 7, 2018
Chicken Scratch Sock (test knit) - March 8, 2018 (only one sock)
Zombie Latte Socks (Zombie Valentine) - April 8. 2018
Fortune's Shawlette - April 11, 2018
Hudson Bay Socks - April 12, 2018
Chemo Hat for Deirdre - April 16, 2018 

Farewell Sockhead - July 4, 2018
Multnomah - July 10, 2018
Colourscape Cowl - July 24, 2018
A & C Vanilla socks - July 30, 2018
Swap Gift - August 20, 2018

So, yeah the only thing I finished was a swap gift.  I actually made three things, but didn't take any pictures.  That's how out of it I was.....

I did work a bit on some socks, but that is no goals were met, except to finish the swap gifts...I'm going to skip September goals for now.....

So that is where I have been.....

I went to a Gansey sweater talk on Friday night at Sheep and Shawl in S. Deerfield, Mass with Beth Brown-Reinsel.  It was good, but I was not feeling well, so missed some of it.  I had invited two friends along and they really enjoyed it.  But I did buy this gauge tool I've been seeing online and wanted to try.
We had a fish fry at my friend's house last Sunday.  It was very good!!!!

I think that is about it...I need to do lesson plans, we have administration visiting our building on Tuesday, so need to make sure everything is good....and I'd like to catch up on reading some blogs....

Hopefully I will be back next Sunday....


  1. I am so hoping you are feeling better. Hormonal shifts in perimenopause can really literally make you crazy. I had to go on bio-identical hormones or I would have ended up in jail for killing my entire family. I am not kidding. Make sure you do what you need to do to help yourself. Go to every doctor you can until you find the right fit for you as far as hormones or if you are not going to use them at least something to help get over this tough time. I know stress can make it so much worse. Rest my friend.

  2. I am happy to hear your health is getting under control ♥

  3. I applaud your honesty and bravery with posting the true story about how you have been. The more of us that can be honest, the better. I am glad you have some medication to help your mental health and I hope as things calm down this fall your life we be more straight forward and not so hectic.

    Much love to you on your journey.

  4. I'm glad to see you're back and still kicking (though I knew you were because Facebook). I'm not looking forward to menopause......but I am looking forward to not dealing with Lucifer's Waterfall every month.

  5. Sorry to hear about your health issues, and your husband’s too. Glad to hear things are coming under control! And I hear you about the heat and my hot flashes.

  6. Thank you for writing about your issues. And for being candid. I agree, it's important to be open about things like this. I lost my mother too young and frankly, had no real mentors as I approached and went through menopause. Thank goodness for the internet where we can share our experiences and learn from each other. As I approach the decade that my mother didn't complete I feel like I understand her better.

  7. So sorry to hear about your health issues. I was lucky and never had any issues during menopause but later got several auto-immune diseases....stress related so I changed my entire life and even though they are chronic....I am really healthy! I got a divorce, moved down here to 'no-man's' land away from 'family drama' and for probably the first time in my life, I took care of ME! I'm not recommending what I did but in my case it was a life-saver. I pray you are healing and remember that illness is just a symptom of something being out of sync...hormones for sure! I hope the worst is over. I also watch what I eat and stay away from 'processed' food and try to eat organic and non-gmo as much as possible. I feel great and I'm a happy camper! Good luck!

  8. Oh my it sounds as though you have had a pretty rough time. I'm so glad both you and your husband are on the up.

  9. Welcome back! Thank you for your honesty. Menopause is not for sissies! I have been having hot flashes for 15 years now. I was told it would last from 6 months to 6 years........Darn male Doctors! What do they know. My mom had the same type of troubles you did. I on the other hand, just have the hot flashes and no mental issues. We all need to be honest as you never know who it might help to know they are not alone.

    I hope your hubby is right as rain too soon.

    Glad you are back to your crafting and you are feeling better and more like you.
