
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Stitch Along: Week 37

Hello!!  It is Tuesday night and I am ready to go to bed.  But I'm determined to keep on my schedule after taking that six week break.

Today, we had administration doing walkthroughs.  They have specific "look-fors"  I was not teaching at the time, so it was kind of relaxing for me.  I'm sure I'll get another at some point...

So, if you read my Sunday post, you know why I had such a long break....and I really have not been working on much, except tv marathons...I've watched lots of movies and caught up on a tond of series.

One thing I have been working on is my latest pair of rainbow self stripe socks...
This was at my friend's house last Sunday for the fish fry.  It's been slow going.  I've also started another FLK heel, but haven't finished it.

This was me today waiting for the Union meeting to start.  I am one of the Union reps at our building. It finally started.  I was so tired and in pain today because of the weather....

Isn't this awesome?  My students created their Me Museums and this student decorated his box to look like a camera!  How creative!  This is the same kid who looks for bugs at recess.  He wants to be a "bug scientist."
One of his finds
And our Fergus has been a naughty bird!  He loves the remote and when we hide it, he still finds it!
And I leave you with my naughty boy!  Have a great week! Come join in!!!

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