
Saturday, September 22, 2018

Stash Acquisition Saturday

Good morning!  So the latest acquisitions came from a destash from one of my groups on Facebook.

It was a lot of three yarns.  I have some Biscotte, but the other two dyers were new to my stash. Although I had heard of Kirby Wirby.

And then when I found out the Kirby Wirby was called, "Follow the Yellow Brick Road." Well the deal was done!

Biscotte and Cie in Cerise et Citron

and this one from AlaskanNancy called Zak...which has some great colors in it.....just looked her up and it seems her company name is Fireweed Dyeworks

I think that will be it for Rhinebeck is in a month.....I don't know if I have anything else on order right now...I do have a swap box sitting here, but I can't open it until September 30....

What have you stashed lately?


  1. I have to try Biscotte and Cie one of these days. I think they come to STITCHES West every year. It can be hard to buy yarn there as there are so many vendors to choose from.

  2. Beautiful acquisitions. I always could use some more sock yarn. But there is this one box. So I'm busy knitting socks. Have a relaxed weekend and good luck with your students. We have two more weeks until fall break. Regula
