
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Stitch Along: Week 38

Good Tuesday evening!  So if you saw my post on Sunday, you know I picked up some socks and put some heels on them...tonight I worked on my dia de los muertos and almost finished the foot....but it's too big on my....sigh...

I usually reduce stitches once I get to the foot...I have very skinny feet...and I forgot, so I'm going to have to rip it back and restart the foot with some decrease stitches....thankfully I did not spend a ton of time on the foot, abotu an hour since it's just a vanilla pattern....
So that;s about all my content...the season premiere of This Is Us is coming I'm cutting it really short tonight....

If you'd like to play along...


  1. Baseball and only baseball here tonight!!!!

  2. A pair of these happy stripy socks is just what I need. :-) I'm starting this weekend! All the best from Switzerland. Regula
