
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Year of Projects Post: Week I Don't Know

So if you are a friend on Facebook or Instagram, you are aware of what's been going on....On October 10, my mother-in-law passed away from a heart attack.  My father-in-law is physically disabled, as well as having dementia and is bi-polar.  The day after my MIL passed away, FIL fell and broke his ankle.  He was able to walk with a walker.  He has not been able to walk since.  We suddenly were thrust into the role of caretaker for him.  It has been very stressful, overwhelming, sad and so many other emotions.  My husband has been taking care of his father 24/7 at their house, so we have been living separately the past month.   FIL is now in a rehabilitation home for at least two weeks.   Things happened, we brought him to the hospital, they evaluated, etc....It is a break for the Hubs, who has been picking his father up and moving him for the past month.  Also the sundowning part of the dementia was getting to him....we have now hired an elder lawyer to help us through all of has been a shock to everyone, as we all expected FIL to go first, as he really is ill and has been for a long time.  We are trying to preserve the house and land as best as possible...His dementia has gotten really bad, really fast.  Luckily we were able to get a power of attorney right before he went downhill. Three weeks ago, he knew who we were, he no longer knows who we are.  We are taking it day by day, but it has been new learning every day...and the Hubs has struggled....he really couldn't mourn for his mom.  He was super close to his mom and not so close to his father, so there are mixed emotions there.....anyway...

I did go to Rhinebeck and the Fiber Festival of New England....I will post about them later this week, maybe.....I am attending a Veteran Day luncheon with FIL at the nursing home, as he is a veteran.....

I have worked on some things, but have finished nothing......I may finish a pair of socks this weekend....

Johnny back in 2010 with the hat I made him......

Riding in the gator with my MIL.....

Hopefully I'll be back next week with an actual YOP post....


  1. Sad news I am sorry to hear. I wish you and your husband strength for what is coming. Regula

  2. I am so sorry at all the overwhelming things going on in your life. And of course so sorry about the passing of your MIL. Take care of yourself and try to get that husband of yours to take a break when he can. Care taking for the elderly is so difficult especially when there is dementia and all that entails.

  3. What a tough time for you and your family, hopefully having a lawyer take on some of the burden will help. Best wishes.

  4. have really been up to you eyeballs in alligators. Please remember to take of you and hubby too. Prayers coming your way.

  5. I'm sorry you're going through this hard time. I appreciate you sharing. Take care of yourselves as you care for your FIL. I love hearing your east coast accent in the video. :)

  6. Bless you during this very difficult time. You are in your blog pals thoughts!! and prayers. As Becki says, try to take care of you . It is so important.

  7. It's lovely to hear from you. I really feel for you and your husband. Try to take care of yourselves.

  8. My heart goes out to you and your husband. Please remember to take care of yourselves and I pray that he can go to a facility that will care for him and let you and your husband get some rest. So sorry about your MIL too. Thanks for sharing the pictures and video. They had a beautiful place.

  9. Sorry to hear that you and your husband are having such a difficult time. I will be thinking and praying for you.

  10. Sorry you're going through such a tough time.

  11. I so understand what you're going through. My deepest condolences for your loss. My Mother died about 9 years ago, it's a lot to deal with. Dad has fallen yet again a few days. This time 4 cracked ribs, fair amount of pain. Sadly, none of us have power of attorney, either for medical or other legal things. He's stubborn and won't allow help in. Can't even get him to wear a life alert to give us a bit of piece of mind. My heart goes out to you. So glad you were able to get some legal things done before it was too late. Hope knitting gives you some piece of mind.

  12. I’m so sorry to hear about your tough situation. I hope there’s a break in all of this so that you and your husband have a chance to process a little bit of it.

  13. Wondering how you're doing and how hubby and FIL are as well. Truly it's not an easy thing for anyone. But, it's nice you've got some professional help. I mentioned above my dad fell again, ribs are doing better and the pain has become less of an issue; but it will still take time to mend.

  14. Hugs and much love to you and the hubs!

  15. Just popping in to say hi and hope things are calming down some for you. It's never easy. Take care of yourself.
