
Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Hello my internet friends.....

So FIL has been home for about three weeks.....he is now on hospice is just a waiting game.

We are living full-time at the Homestead.  Eventually we will move out here once everything is said and done.....but we keep bringing more and more of our stuff here.....but we need to clean out this house first...My sister-in-law lived here with her parents and she died suddenly about 5 years ago.  My MIL never cleaned out her room.  She did pack some things up, but we still have a couple of closets to now we have to pack up MIL's things.....They lived here for 40 something years, so the house is full of stuff....there are three crawlspaces, that aren't actually crawlspaces, you can stand up in a cedar closet, plus regular's just a full house....

This the garage and original house on the land.  The land belonged to my husband's great uncle Bill.  It's been in the family for about 100 years.  They owned a lot of land in this area.
The house, sorry its so dark, I was on a walk with the dog we have also inherited and took the picture at dusk....

FIL passed away this we have lots of decisions to make.


  1. You know I've been following along on the Book of Faces. I'm sorry you are all having to deal with everything kind of all at once. I mean, you knew it was going to happen sooner rather than later but it's still never the "right" time. I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible, if that's even possible!

  2. I am so sorry for you loss. You and your husband will be very busy over the coming months. I will say the house looks very welcoming. I am still going thru my moms stuff and it is a year this month. Take your time and remember to take tome for you too.

  3. Good luck with your move and with cleaning out all the clutter. I think the house is gorgeous, it looks like it should be in a fairy tale.

  4. So sorry for your loss. RIP. There's always so much to do after the loss of a loved one. Lots of decisions about what to keep, what to give away etc etc. You indicated there was lots of stuff there from several people. My best to you.

  5. I’m so sorry to hear about another loss, especially so soon. I hope things go as smoothly as they can and that you are soon settled in the house. It does look really nice.

  6. I'm sorry for your loss. Take it step by step. It's a huge amount of work to empty a house. I did it three times and never will do it again! But finally it is worth the trouble. The house is beautiful! Merry Christmas to you (although it is not the best of times). Regula
