
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Stitch Along - Last One of the Year

Well I haven't done one in weeks and weeks (this may be long!).....I haven't finished anything...wait let me check Ravelry....oh, yes I did make two Vermonter for a swap partner and another for me...but they are not on Ravelry....

I have worked on things though......some socks and a shawl.....

I bought a yarn advent calendar from a local's been fabulous!!!! There are 24 miniskeins and one full skein, plus a pattern for a shawl.  I started the pattern, but it was wrong...

I emailed the designer and got some help...and now I'm on the third color....
The colors are all inspired by Christmas movies....I love it! I am on " Do You Want To Build a Snowman?"  The Hubs and I watched Frozen the other day, he had never seen it.

And the packaging was amazing!

And I've worked on some socks, of course! 

Okay I have spent the better part of the day switching pictures over from I'm going to end it here...not as long as I'd thought it would be...I hope to get back to regular blogging......


  1. I got an advent calendar yarn box, too. Yours looks like it was as fun as mine.

    I hope things are starting to smooth out for you a little bit.

  2. A fun advent calendar with much project potential. :) Hope you had a lovely Christmas. All the best for 2019!

  3. Take care! And all the best for the new year, Regula

  4. What a lot of beautiful WIPS you've got there, Tammy. It's so good to see you back. Reading your last post I'm thinking life is still not back to normal (or, perhaps you've got a new normal), but I hope you find opportunities for rest and refreshment in 2009.
