
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Stitch Along _First of the Year

Good early afternoon!  I am home today thanks to a PsA flareup...It started Monday night, I went to work yesterday and left half day and I'm letting myself continue to heal's been awhile since I've had one last this long....the weather has been really sucky for me, with all the rain.....and we do have some nasty weather coming in...I also have my infusion in about a week and a half...and usually around the 6 week mark, I start hurting more....

So I've been working on socks....My Dia de Muertos socks are almost done!  I have the FLK heel, foot and toe to finish on the second sock....but again, I stopped at the heel!
I had two stripes to add this morning before starting the heel.

My Time Traveler socks are also almost done...I am working on the second heel flap today...
I've got some things to say about the Felici yarn when I do my Finished post....

So that is what I have worked on so far this many socks, so little time...but I have been wearing them more this year than I have in the need more and more!!!!


  1. Naturally the Time Traveler socks live in a TARDIS project bag.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. So hoping you are feeling better by now. I get Botox shots for my headaches and I can always tell when they are due because I slowly get more and more pain. Stay well.

  3. Love the colors in both pairs, very pretty. Sorry you had to call off and hope you feel better soon.
