
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Stitch Along - Jan 23

So two of these projects are DONE!!!!!!!  I'll do a Friday Finish post, if I can get good pictures of the socks...So I'm down to 8 sock WIPs!!!!  And trying really hard not to cast on a new one....I'd like to finish two more before I cast on another, but I did bring one of my crates of self stripe sock to the Homestead.....(I have 3 self stripe crates)

I think I'm either going to work on my Beekeeper Cardigan or the Elephant sweater for my friend's daughter next...

but tonight I also decided to wind some more of the minis from the Knits4Comfort Advent shawl...
So how was your week?  I'm going to throw up the link this week if anyone wants to hook up and share their WIPs...


  1. Good for you. Adjusting to the short week. I forgot that my teenager and her friends got out an hour earlier today. Whoops!

  2. So good! I might finish a pair of socks myself ... :-) Regula

  3. Look at you go! I wish I had that much beautiful sock yarn!
