
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day Three: 30th March. Tidy mind, tidy stitches 2KCBWDAY3

How do you keep your yarn wrangling organised? It seems like an easy to answer question at first, but in fact organisation exists on many levels. Maybe you are truly not organised at all, in which case I am personally daring you to try and photograph your stash in whatever locations you can find the individual skeins. However, if you are organised, blog about an aspect of that organisation process, whether that be a particularly neat and tidy knitting bag, a decorative display of your crochet hooks, your organised stash or your project and stash pages on Ravelry.
I’ve blogged about my yarn stash organization before and even shown some pics here
I have a crapload of yarn and it is in many places.  Most of my crapload is acrylic and big box yarn..which brings me to a question, dear readers..should I take my acrylic/big-box yarn off my Ravelry stash page(s).  The reason being that I rarely update that yarn and I know I’ve given some away and used some up….What do you think?
My good yarn is in plastic totes, several of them.  My yarn is mostly in my “spare” room.  Our spare room is the computer/professional library/storage room as we have no closets (well we have a 1/2 closet)  So it has become our storage room.  I don’t work in it (except on the computer), I just store my yarn and beads and other misc items in there. 
My minority good yarn is starting to rival my majority crap yarn.  I use my big-box yarn for many things, mostly amiguramis and blankets.
I’m off topic…reining it back in…
I do have most of my stash listed on Ravelry…I have also started organizing each project into a separate bag….I blogged a bit about that here, but here is another more recent picture with knitting projects!
Each bag in the basket has a separate project…and obviously I need some more bags, as there are projects without bags.  This way I just throw a notions bag (I have 3, almost identical) into the project bag I need and I’m all set….
Here is a blog post about my knitting bag.  It is a bit more organized than my crochet ones….

Hmm, so am I organized?  well the Hubs says I like to pretend I am…all I can say, is I try….

This is the side of my bed, at the moment, I did not tidy it up (as you can tell!)
DSC03553 The top bag is the sweater I’m working on.  The top green is the parts of the sweater I have finished and a couple more baskets filled with projects.  You can just see my knitting bag in the bottom left and behind that is another mountain of bags with crochet projects in them (mostly afghans) 

Now I have a surprise for those still reading!  I’m going to do a giveaway!  Now reading all about the yarn deprivation of really fabulous squeaky American acrylic yarn, since I have SO MUCH, I’m going to give away three skeins….If you are overseas and would like to be entered, leave a comment letting me know…You too can own a skein of Red Heart, Vanna’s Choice, Bernat, or maybe some Peaches and Cream or the other brand of cotton?  Let me know…I will random generate on Sunday 5:00pm EST. Then the three winners, we can chat about which brand or color you would like (it’ll be stash yarn, so whatever I have)  You can take a look at my Rav page, but only some of them have pictures….I’m kinda loathe to part with I Love This Yarn, as I do have to order it or during my travels find a Hobby Lobby, but maybe you can talk me into it!
Now off to read about other and better organizers of yarn stashes…


  1. I have more acrylic than "nice" yarn but I love it. And everyone needs a little clutter XD

  2. I'm not into acrylic, but I do love some cotton from time to time and Peaches and cream isn't easy to find in NZ.
    Sewsable on Rav

  3. I do use the dreaded acrylic yarn for all sorts of things. It's good to have it when you need it! LOL.

    And, YOU are way more organized than I am.

    Renee :)
