Well on Saturday I spent about 2 hours with Libby at my local LYS. I was having a one-to-one lesson on color changing for the blanket I am making Aiden. It is working much better now. I might actually finish it! Which would be a shock, since I have a ton of things planned for Aiden, but have only managed to finish one thing when he was smaller.
I also got myself a new fancy phone. I love it! I no longer have phone envy.
I finished a few pieces. Most notably the pink purse I've been working on since last May. I've used it since Friday and got lots of compliments on it! It took so long and was hard on the hands. I also wore my Coco Bay Shawl, design by Doris Chan, on Friday and received several compliments. Both projects, I believe were made out of the same yarn, but came out so differently...
Here is a pic of the bag and the two strips that I have finished for the Aran.