Thursday, June 20, 2013

Today I Cried.....

Twice....the first time from frustration that I had so much to do and my students were being so uncooperative....and I had another fight in my room....the special education teacher came in and I took a break...and cried in the office while waiting for some paperwork to be checked off...

I almost cried when the student who was facing possible retention, burst into tears when I said Congratulations you will be moving on to 6th grade.....I knew she was not going to be retained a couple of weeks ago, for circumstances, but she did not....she was so scared and just overwhelmed that she would not be retained and cried all the way to the bus.....she has promised to work harder next year....

I cried when I came back in from bus duty walking through the empty gym and heaved a big sigh and said outloud, "I survived."

It was a very, very tough year for me....and while I will miss my students individually, I will not miss them as a class....

but we had some successes....all of them improved their reading, by some degree, most of them improved their math knowledge....and, again, all of them improved in their behavior....

It is over...and I am ambivalent....I am neither happy nor sad.....just tired.....

I have to finish packing my room tomorrow and then I will truly be on summer break...

I may go to the high school graduation to see some former students receive that diploma and then on Saturday I am attending my first quinceanera...I am very excited...and can't wait to see those former students....


Renee Anne said...

My only "real" class of students are heading into their second years of college (or post-high school lives). It makes me feel old. Some of them I was so proud of for how they turned out and others...well, I can't say I'm surprised by some of them.

Part of me wishes I had gotten an actual teaching job but it just wasn't in the cards. Oh well.

The Gingerbread Lady said...

Poor you :-(
Been there - done that. And this is why I want to scream when people say, "You teachers - always whining... AND YOU GET SUCH LONG SUMMER HOLIDAYS!" We need them, esp. if we've been working every evening and every weekend for months before. Especially if we need a fortnight just to process the horror of the school year :-)

Enjoy the summer holidays, you deserve them!