Saturday, December 30, 2017

Final Stash Acquisition Post of 2017

So it's been awhile since I did an update....I actually have quite a bit to post, so picture heavy! It is darker here, so hopefully the pictures won't be too crappy

Rhinebeck Haul: I never did a proper Rhinebeck Stash Update
Spirit Trail Fiberworks in Painted Hills, Roussillon and Blue Suede Shoes for Beatha

Harvest Yarns Maize....label is faded and one is missing, so no colorways, but 32% corn fiber!
Neighborhood Fiber Co Studio DK in Pentworth, with a fun pompom.....This will be a hat, not sure which one yet....
Lisa Souza Blue Faced Leicester Worsted in looks almost is a really, really dark purple....
Blackbird Kit from Ewetopia...I really love this, but reading the pattern, I'd have to steek...eeek!!!!!!
White Barn Farm in Blue Jay...there was a reason I bought this, but can't remember why now....
Peace, Love and Yarn in Kestral.  I'm not usually a pink girl....I was wearing a shirt with this saying and there was just something about this was so soft and pretty.

Some yarny goodness came in the mail too.....From Must Stash Yarn
Left to Right: Star Wars: Mos Eisley, Rogue One, Jakku, The Last Jedi

Black Friday trip to NYC....we went to String Thing Studio in Brooklyn..
 The Backyard Fibers is for a Rainbow Party Cardi...
I also got some Juniper Moon Moonshine for the body of Telja or Starfall, maybe..I might switch these around, but was going to use other alpaca yarns for the colorwork....

Then we stopped at Knitty City and bought these two....

From my hometown LYS, New England Yarn and Spindle, I have bought several skeins of Cascade 220 for baby hats....
Okay, this is not it, but there is so much more and this will be too long, and I'm not sure many people will read'm going to end it here.....


Leftycrafter said... stopped too soon. I was getting yarn envy but loving every minute of it.

Babajeza said...

I read it. :-) I like the pink one too. I'm curious: where do you stas all these skeins? happy new year! regula

Meredith said...

All of your new yarn is gorgeous. I have that Juniper Moon in that color, I love it. And I have to say the pink might be my favorite. Happy New Year and happy knitting!