Saturday, September 28, 2019

The 2019 Yarn Crawl of The Western Connecticut Yarn Council Haul

So last Saturday, my yarny BFF, Maureen and I headed out.  I had gone to New England Yarn on Friday after work.  It's pretty much down the street from my school.  It's a couple of miles, but seriously, it's only one turn)

I didn't take any pictures on the crawl...I wasn't feeling the best, but YARN!!!!  I made it to six of the stores altogether.  I didn't make it to Nancy O, but had recently been there as part of the Hudson Valley Yarn Crawl.

I'm lucky that there are many yarn crawls throughout the year within about 2 hours of me....
If you spent a certain amount, you received the bag, but all stores were handing out the pins.  I was surprised that there were a couple of stores not participating.....but 7 was enough....Hudson Valley had 15, there was no way I was making all of those stores....

So my haul:
At New England Yarn, I bought some Malabrigo...I needed orange yarn, blame it on GG.....So got some Glazed Carrots in Rios, along with Archeangel, because it looked vaguely Halloweeny....and then I wanted the WYS Owl colorway and bought the contrast colorway.  I am now on the lookout for their Christmas colorway this year.

Saturday morning, we headed to Avon, we started east and headed west....
I bought another set of Uneek sock yarn, although they did not have the one I wanted....and this Malabrigo book of hats...I want to make Estrella, but they didn't have any Mecha...I also got to pick a prize, so won this skein of Araucania Nuble, which is wool and silk, but not my color particularly and it is very fingering....but I'm sure I'll find something to do with it...or give it away, or sell it...who knows..
Then I got these giant balls of Noro for a poncho that was on display in the store, called the Chevron Wrap.  The pattern is in the magazine...I think I will wear the hell out of it.....
Okay, the third store is one of my favorites, but nothing was speaking to me!!!!!  I finally settled on some LadyDyeYarns, which I had been waiting to arrive.  I thought about making a cowl with this, but just realized I can make the Hatdana with this and it'll be awesome.  I had bought some Uneek for the Hatdana, but have no idea where it might be right now....and the pom-pom is an awesome Hunter green! 

So we headed to Westport, as Maureen had never been to that store...they were having a trunk show of Swift Yarns.  I had never heard of this indie dyer.  So I bought this awesome mustardy yellow tweed for a hat.  I also bought this group of minis.  She had a sock sample made from them....but I'm probably use them for heels and cuffs.  I think she may have been disappointed when I mentioned that...We'll see...

The last store, we just made it in time, and again we went there because Maureen had never been there.  We just missed Gabi of Once Upon a Corgi's trunk show....I was bummed, I would have gotten some of her yarn, but I bought a cool June Pryce bag...dudes...chickens and llamas, what could be better?

I also got to pick from a basket at one of the stores, don't remember which, but got a set of Zing dpns...

So that was last Saturday.  This Saturday, I am recharging...we had Open House this week, I had a union meeting...I'm a union rep in my building...we had student was exhausting and I've used up my stores of energy...with the auto-immune disease, I occasionally have to recharge.  I finished my book this morning..and then I'm going to wind some yarn...and crochet on my poncho...and maybe take another nap...ta-ta for now


kathy b said...

thank you for sharing your haul. I m not doing a crawl this year, so I got to live vicariously through you! New bags are always fun! Get some rest! Have fun petting the new yarns!

Meredith said...

Wonderful yarn purchases. It that Malabrigo Archangel? That is my favorite color. Have fun with all of your new beautiful yarn.

Leftycrafter said... made quite a haul. How lucky you are to have that many LYS. I only have 23 shops within 50 miles of me and one of them will never see me again since they were super rude to me then first and only time Inwent in there.

Babajeza said...

Beautiful yarn, especially the orange. :-) Have a good week (two days down already ...), Regula

Paula said...

Much Malabrigo and chickens and llamas? That’s more fun thanI can imagine. Rest up so you can cast on some of those goodies.