Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Stitch Along Wednesday - Week 2

Good morning!  It's Stitch Along Wednesday....I have nothing new to report..I'm working in the same ole things...actually I haven't been doing any stitchin'  I made a quick cowl on Monday night, but that is about it...

So I'm at the same point with all of my projects...this week I've just been wicked tired....and last night I had some kind of reaction after I took a bath and started hiving....the Hubs ran and got my some Benadryl...which helped,...I seem to be back to normal this morning....hopefully!

On my Nightstand:  The Knitter's Guide to Socks....I finished Girls of Tender Age...Loved it!  I think I'm going to get one of her fiction novels to read next....

Today I am heading off in search of a Superhero's Superhero Friday this week...I own an Underdog shirt, so I may wear that, if I can find anything else...

So what are you up to...join us in the links and leave a comment, if you'd like...thanks!


Keri said...

Good luck with the shirt hunt!

Unknown said...

So, are you allowed to wear a cape too? LOL

Rhonda McDonald said...

on my night stand? Well, not really on my night stand as I in the middle of three "books": Alexa O'Briend Huntress Series (Kindle, not sure which book I'm in), Catching Fire (Audible), Wyoming Brides (a "real" book with paper and everything!).

Finishing up a scarf, one more row then bind off.....

Emily said...

You know me, I'm in constant caston-itis here! But I'm really close to finishing my second,neon colored fine tune cowl! Wahoo! And halfway through the neon shawl I started last December.

Babajeza said...

Good luck with the shirt!